Finally We have chosen changes ,
Greetings to the families of the Football Federation of Tanzania ( TFF )
Greetings to those who like sports inside and outside our country .
I start by thanking God for wisdom , prudence , intelligence , talent and the ability which enable us to do all this in peace and quiet .
Special thanks go to Mr . Leodegar Tenga , president of the TFF 2005 - 2013 , who handed power to the new president of the TFF . He and his team certainly deserve congratulations for a lot of good they did .
Thanks to members of the general assembly election 2013 for accepting me, Jamal E. Malinzi to be TFF President over the next four years .
Greetings to the families of the Football Federation of Tanzania ( TFF )
Greetings to those who like sports inside and outside our country .
I start by thanking God for wisdom , prudence , intelligence , talent and the ability which enable us to do all this in peace and quiet .
Special thanks go to Mr . Leodegar Tenga , president of the TFF 2005 - 2013 , who handed power to the new president of the TFF . He and his team certainly deserve congratulations for a lot of good they did .
Thanks to members of the general assembly election 2013 for accepting me, Jamal E. Malinzi to be TFF President over the next four years .
World has become a village , for a period of 72 hours after my election manifesto launch , I have received greetings , comments and suggestions from within and outside Tanzania including Burundi, Ivory Coast, Denmark and NewZealand .
Through , twitter @ jamalmalinzi , Jamii Forum, Facebook and other networks , I keep in touch , comment, criticize and contribute to a productive dialogue and all that it may be effective to Tanzania grace football .
This journey is the longest and most travelers are on transportation gear . For those who already have a map of our journey , all of us regardless of our differences especially during the leadership contest , to give its contribution to Tanzania to move forward in the world of football.
Well , there is a Swahili proverb that says ' give up while you are still living is a sin ' . I pray that this expression to lead us wherever we fall to wake up and continue the journey until we arrive where we targeted.
History has begun to be written , in 2013 is We have chosen Malinzi, We have chosen changes and now we are moving forward.
Through , twitter @ jamalmalinzi , Jamii Forum, Facebook and other networks , I keep in touch , comment, criticize and contribute to a productive dialogue and all that it may be effective to Tanzania grace football .
This journey is the longest and most travelers are on transportation gear . For those who already have a map of our journey , all of us regardless of our differences especially during the leadership contest , to give its contribution to Tanzania to move forward in the world of football.
Well , there is a Swahili proverb that says ' give up while you are still living is a sin ' . I pray that this expression to lead us wherever we fall to wake up and continue the journey until we arrive where we targeted.
History has begun to be written , in 2013 is We have chosen Malinzi, We have chosen changes and now we are moving forward.
Jamali E Malinzi
October 27- 2013