Bongo film  stars, Rose Ndauka and Wema Sepetu allegedly enter the battle, one aide of Wema using social network "Instagram" accused Rose that she was involved a in unofficial meeting which discussed' madam ' that coincides with the insult .

The aide who used a picture of Wema ( Probably she was Wema herself) , said that one day soon, Rose took part in the session  held in  Leaders Club in Dar es Salaam , where the majority of the conversation was about Wema.

Speaking to our author by phone yesterday in connection with these allegations, Rose said she was surprised by this issue because she has one year has never tread in Clubs that existing in Kinondoni, Dar.

" Ideally that person has insulted me without any reason, he did not investigate the information he got , I do not remember if I ever sit there (Leaders Club) and start talking badly about Wema .
"Personally I do not have time to talk about someone or stay with someone who does not benefit me.Friend of mine is my fiancé ( Malick Bandawe ) , my mother and my brothers. , "I don't have time with other people "said Rose.

Yesterday, our author contacted Wema through her cell phone number to talk about the allegations but could not be found . However, the news say that the person who insulted Rose on the web was sent by Wema or was Wema herself .

Since Diamond and Wema reconciliation and spread of their pictures on social networking , recently death of Wema's biological father (Isaac Sepetu ) and some of Bongo movies artists to boycott the funeral , groups of people have emerged their main job is to insult people who are different with Wema.
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